Thursday, March 11, 2010

PowerPoint Presentations Templates

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1803-1882, Poet and Essayist

During the last few, during many presentations be it of class room level or the conference level, students (academicians as well) thrive hard to make their presentations effective. Templates for power point presentations are an important element, audience and speaker always want something new

In this article, i giving a link in which there are more than 50 templates for power point presentation, which you can use in your presentations and make them worth.

Here is the link, its its in few parts and are zipped, but very easy to download
CD 1
CD 2
CD 3
CD 4
CD 5

There is another link on how to present effectively and comfortably
Effective Presentation Tips

Here, is an update
Eight Secrets for Impeccable Presentations
Download here

enjoy the power point
and happy presentations!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Scientific poster(s) services for students and researchers

I have been visiting a few scientific conferences in which a common problem is being noticed time and again. Lack of awareness amongst the students regarding design of their research posters.
So, this time i have decided to give you all links to some good websites which can help us out in making excellent research presentations.
One of the most elaborate links which gives us enough information is here
Poster advice

Some commercial organizations also give you services like poster presentations. Although, all are based in United States but still they give free downloadable templates , which we can use and personalize accordingly
link 1
link 2
link 3

All these organizations charge a hefty amount of money, but in case you want to make your research posters look more professional, you can contact us and we will design your research posters to your liking, get them printed and mailed to your address at very nominal charges. In addition, we will also be able to give scientific tips to make your presentations better than ever.
You can contact me at for all you queries.